Programme Information/Privacy and Consent for Patients

PSP information for patients & carers & Terms of Use

This is a patient support programme (PSP) administered by Merck Healthcare Pty Ltd (“Merck”) and is intended only for patients prescribed Saizen® in Australia.

The programme aims to provide support to patients prescribed Saizen® by way of providing a device and/or consumable (e.g. needles, sharps container etc) to facilitate treatment as well as provide general advice. The specific support available depends on the treatment you have been prescribed and the parts of the PSP you have chosen to enrol in.

All advice is of a general nature to support the prescribing instructions of your doctor and is never intended to replace advice or instructions provided by your prescribing doctor or healthcare team. The content of 3rd party sites whose links are provided within this PSP are beyond the control of Merck and no responsibility for those contents can be accepted.

You should always contact your doctor for specific advice about your treatment or in the case of immediate or urgent advice.

Participation is entirely voluntary, and you can withdraw anytime simply by contacting the programme on the nominated phone number/email. Your continued use of the PSP is considered as ongoing implied consent of these Terms of Use.

Privacy, collection of information and consent information you should be aware of

It is strongly recommended that you read and understand Merck’s full privacy statement for this programme. To be enrolled in this support programme we require that you acknowledge that you are prescribed the product or are answering as the guardian of someone prescribed Saizen® (eg your child), that you have read and understood the information about the programme and the privacy/collection statement and that you provide your consent to Merck to be enrolled as a member of the programme.

The following is a summary only of the privacy considerations specific to this support programme and why Merck needs the personal/sensitive information it collects from you. For Merck’s full privacy statement, including how to access your information, how long we keep it, our use of cookies and Google analytics please access this information via the link below.

This patient support programme is operated by personnel in Patient Services department. Depending on your programme specifics you may be contacted by someone from Patient Services by phone, mail, email or SMS.

All information collected from you is kept on secure password-controlled servers. These servers are sometimes located outside of ANZ in countries that have similar privacy laws/regulations and expectations as in ANZ. At all times adherence to the Australian Privacy Principles will be maintained.

By providing personal information to Merck and continuing to engage with Merck via this programme you are providing your consent to the personal information you provide being collected, used and stored as described in the full Merck privacy statement (link below). You can withdraw your consent or alter your preferences at any time simply by advising us.

We only collect information that is required to assess your eligibility and provide assistance and services within this support programme.  This includes (but is not limited to) information such as the patients name, address, DOB, past treatments (if any), details of the Merck treatment (e.g. dose, frequency etc) and your prescribing doctors name and clinic address. We will also collect information about any adverse experience you advise us of during your treatment. It is a legal requirement for Merck in ANZ that all safety information reported to Merck in association with the use of our products is reported in a deidentified manner to the regulatory authorities. We may contact your doctor to obtain more detailed information in some cases, with your consent.

Your personal information is only provided/accessible to those that need it to fulfil some aspect of the PSP service which you have consented to, such as the delivery of device and/or consumables; or the mandatory reporting of side effects or other safety issues you advise us of; or programme/system maintenance. This sometimes includes 3rd party service providers who assist Merck with the programme (such as courier companies), but only the minimum relevant information needed to perform the service is provided.  All persons with access to your personal information are bound by the Merck privacy statement.  Your personal information is not provided to or accessible by other persons within Merck or external third parties. In most cases, with your consent, we may contact your doctor to advise that you have enrolled into this programme and that it is available to you as a resource.

Deidentified and aggregated (i.e. pooled) information may be used by Merck to evaluate the programme and may be written up in a medical journal. The reports or abstracts will not identify any individual patient or identify anyone from your healthcare team.

For more details about how Merck handles your personal/sensitive information, the use of cookies or Google analytics please refer to the Merck privacy statement (link below)

If you do not consent to being part of this programme, please contact Patient Services on:

Phone: 1800 633 463


Link to Merck privacy statement:

More information:

If you have any questions or comments about this consent information, please feel free to contact the Privacy Officer at Merck (Australia)

Merck Healthcare Pty Ltd | ABN 72 006 900 830
Suite 1, Level 1, Building B, 11 Talavera Road,
Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, Australia
Phone 1800 257 348
Date of preparation: January 2022. AU-SAI-000070
